Today my friend Emmanuelle, the girls and I participated in the Grand Plantaion :Oasis pour les monarques in Verdun.
I did not know what to expect but I was very happy by how much we enjoyed this activity. The people who where hosting the event were very friendly and spent a lot of time teaching my girls about planting.
When we got there we learned about some of the plants that monarch butterflies like followed by a quick demonstration on how to plant .
My kids enjoyed digging the holes and watering the plants (and some people to!). After a quick snack we added mulch to the plant beds and more water. There was a big sense of team spirit and it was a lot of fun to work with and meet new people. We even managed to plant all the plants ahead of schedule!
After we went for a walk beside the river followed by some ice cream. This was a great way to spend a Saturday!
(Écrit par Karina Pinsonneault)
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